overview: Inventory management system with a high degree of automation

In bancassurance, the administrative effort per contract can be comparatively high, the underwriting product/rate constellations complex, and the procedural differences per intermediary:in large. Against this background, flexible interfaces for data exchange are enormously important for insurance companies in the residual debt environment. In addition, automated processes and high dark processing rates are gaining in importance for efficient and flexible portfolio management.

your advantages: More efficiency, less administrative work

ReSy focuses centrally on the requirements of the residual debt division and ensures lean administration thanks to a high degree of automation.

Exploit efficiency potential

Increase the dark processing rate by automating business transactions.

Act quickly

Connect new bank/distributor partners to ReSy in the shortest possible time.

Stay flexible in the market

Bring new products to market in an uncomplicated way – with individually configurable computational libraries.

Give yourself freedom

Interfaces to banks and partners keep you flexible and digitize data exchange.

Keep an eye on everything all the time

Use the integrated subledger component.

Kennen Sie Ihre Zahlen

Use the integrated payment transaction component to optimize collection and disbursement processes.

Configure documents quickly and easily

Integratability of the Convista Document Center

Our services: Fully comprehensive insurance suite for bancassurance and residual debt

The ReSy residual debt system includes all functions related to product modeling, application and portfolio management, benefit processing, provisioning and partner management. Specialist components such as subledger accounting, payment transactions and receivables management are integrated as standard, but can also be easily replaced by customer-specific conversion systems.

Bestandsführungssystem Resy automatisiert Verwaltungsprozesse
Resy Bestandsführungssystem für Restschuld der convista - ehemals enowa


Implemented contracts


Claims / Benefits


Connected bank partners & intermediaries

functions: Functions of the inventory management system

  • Automatic import of contract and benefit data
  • Automated processing of business transactions in contract and benefit processing
  • Cross-contract processing of benefit cases

  • Automated contract and benefit payments to customers, banks and sales partners with the help of an integrated payment transaction component (collection and disbursement)
  • Commission management and agent settlement – connection of an external commission system possible
  • Internal settlement between companies/risk carriers incl. compensation payments

Integrated tariff calculation based on individually configurable calculation libraries – Connection of an external tariff calculator possible

Integrated partner management incl. duplicate check during data import – connection of an external partner management system possible

  • Integrated sub-ledger incl. general ledger export
  • Standardized import, export and web service interfaces
  • Integrated authorization system – connection of an external authorization system possible
Überblick über die Features der Bancassurance Software und Restschuldsystem ReSy
Features der Bancassurance Software und Restschuldsystem ReSy

Agile introduction of the inventory management system ReSy

Agile to the goal: Historically grown IT landscapes require modernization in a dynamic environment in order to be competitive in the long term. In this context, Credit Life is renewing the portfolio management system for the banking and cooperation sales business area and introducing the ReSy insurance suite.

Learn more about the project process and results.

Learn more

Nutzung von ReSy Bancassurance Software und Bestandsführungssystem am Laptop

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